Japanese eat a lot of eggs and even eat raw eggs. Raw eggs in Europe are mostly seen in Beef Tartar but Japanese use raw eggs for sukiyaki and raw egg on rice.
Raw egg for sukiyaki is used as a dip, adding nothing to the egg but usually soy sauce is added to the raw egg on rice and you mix them up. Due to the rice is warm, the raw egg will be little bit heated up during the mixing process(No one eats raw egg on cold rice).
Of course, choosing the right, proper, good quality eggs are very important. Then, the yolk's color is orange or dark orange, which means more nutrition are included in the yolk. Raw egg on rice is more eaten at home, it is not so easy to find it at the restaurants.
Aburayama; aburasoba noodle bar in Higashi-Nakano, Tokyo serves with tenkasu; crunchy bits of deep fried flour-batter. If you want to try, please order the masterpiece, aburasoba noodle too.